Nathan Paul

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Wedding pics

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hello To everyone!! It has been a crazy month around here! As many of you already know, Sal and I finally made this legal and got married an the 20th! Yes I know, LONG OVERDUE!!!! Nathan has been doing well weighing in at 9lbs 8oz as of Monday. For those of you who don't know what has been going on I will sum up the latest with him. We woke up about two weeks ago to find Nathan had blood in his diaper. We took him to the doctor where they took a culture, said it was an UTI and put him on antibotics. Last Thursday the peditrician calls to tell me he does NOT have an UTI and she is very concerned why he has blood in his urine. She set us up to see a kidney specialist in New Orleans. We went ther Monday. They did some blood work and an ultrasound of his kidneys but saw nothing abnormal. Well after worring all week Dr. Brumund called today with an answer!!!! After looking further at the ultrasound they found calcium pockets around both kidneys. This, I'm told, is a side effect of the lasix ( one of the four meds he is taking daily). Good news is his body is functioning fine. We go to the cardiologist tomorrow and they will switch the medicene to something lighter and that should clear up the problem. God we hope so!!! The last thing his little body needs right now is another issue to have to fight!!! Other than that scare he has been doing really well! He has rolled over once. He is SPOILED ROTTEN (as he should be)!!!! As I get the pictures back of him at the wedding I will post them! Thanks For all the prayers and support!!!