Hi guys! We have now come to the conclusion our little man likes to stay in the hospital!! Saturday morning Austin woke up vomiting. He threw up three times, layed around for a while then perked up and was fine. He had no fever so I assumed it was the food he ate the night before. Everyone was fine until Monday evening. Sal came home not feeling well, I wasn't feeling so hot then around 3:00pm Nathan began throwing up! After the second time I called his pediatrician who told us to bring him to the ER. She said being that he is SO small it wouldn't take much to dehydrate him and we need to get him to the hospital for fluids. By the time we got to the ER he had vomited about 8 times! Poor baby couldn't stop. They gave him some medicine for nausea and started him on IV fluids. They did a urine culture which showed a very high white cell count so they admitted us. The continued to give fluids until Wednesday am and by then he was drinking a little formula again so we were able to come home yesterday afternoon. He seems okay now. Everyone I know has a child sick with something so we have pretty much decided to keep Nathan at home as much as possible for the next few weeks!! Obviously his little body cannot fight off infection as well as it should. He had only been throwing up for about two hours when we got to the hospital but he was already severely dehydrated!! It looks like we will be home bodies for the winter!!! On another note we had our Halloween bash Saturday night and it turned out AWESOME!! I hope to get some pics up on this site today or tomorrow! I will post more soon!