Nathan Paul

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We really enjoyed ours. Amazingly we were all well!! Nathan wasn't interested at all with his gifts but Austin had a ball opening his and Nathan's! I am now in the process of getting things ready for Austin's Birthday which is tomorrow. It is hard to believe my little boy is about to be 10 years old! Time sure does fly by. We are having a party for Austin on New Years Eve so I have been running like crazy to get things ready. Then Sal's birthday is the 1st and Nathan's is the 11th!!! It is a lot of fun to plan parties but I think I will be happy when February gets here! I have more pics to post but I will probably wait until after this weekend so I can include Austin's party pics. I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Well our week started off with excitement and, for once, it wasn't Nathan. Sunday Austin began running fever. Monday morning I awoke to him having a seizure. His temperature was 103.1 which is what caused the seizure. We called an ambulance to take him to the ER. They swabbed him for the flu which came back positive. He has been in bed all week and has just been miserable! I wasn't feeling so good yesterday and this morning I feel like someone beat the heck out of me in my sleep. I started taking tamiflu last night so hopefully that will help me. Of course our biggest worry is Nathan getting this. So far he is fine, just a little runny nose. We keep praying he doesn't come down with it. As horrible as this has been on Austin I know it would be a lot worse on Nathan's little body. We really don't want to spend his first Christmas in the hospital!! We are praying everyone will be well by Christmas!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Cardiologist Appointment

Monday we had our appointment with Nathan's Cardoilogist and I am Happy to report that everything is fine! He said his heart is fine and he is happy with his recent weight gain. He doesn't need to see us back until summer! We may finally be past having to see a doctor every week now! We still have appointments at Children's next week with a genetic doctor and a GI doc. Those were made mostly because of his slow weight gain and we are keeping them just to be safe but I really think he is out of all danger now. He is eating everything in sight and, trust me, he is into EVERYTHING!!! He has just started to push up on his knees and scoot forward. I think he will be crawling by Christmas! Of course our Christmas tree gives him a lot of incentive! He loves to pull the tree skirt around the living room! Austin has been doing great. He is trying to make it through these weeks before Christmas break! He has one week left! I am trying to get a good pic of the boys in front of the tree and if I do I will post it! It's really hard to keep BOTH of them still so I don't know if this will be possible!! I will post more when I can!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Miracle Baby!

I took Nathan for his ultrasound appointment this morning. After the tech performed the test the Radiologist came in to look for herself. What they found was amazing. Nathan has NO kidney stones!!!! The radiologist said she has no explanation for why the stones are not there. The two 4mm stones that were on his right kidney are completely gone! They do not feel he could have possibly passed these on his own. They may not be able to explain it but I know this is God's work only!! We have gotten the best gift we could have ever received this Christmas! Thanks to everyone who continues to pray for our family! He is such a miracle! We go to the Cardiologist Monday and I pray the results are just as great! I will post more after that appointment. Thanks again and I love ya'll!