Searching for info
I believe most everyone knows what has been going on with Nate the past few days but just in case.....Thursday afternoon he had a lot of blood in his diaper. This continued into Friday. I finally convinced the doctor to send us for an ultrasound of his kidneys to see if this was from the kidney stones. We had the u/s on Friday but the results really didn't tell us anything new. He has a lot of small stones and still has the large ones on his right kidney. One troublesome piece of appears the stones may be growing. We have been told before he had a 2mm and 4mm stone. Now it appears he has two 4mm stones. If these things are growing I would think they would be trying to figure out a way to get them off the kidney all together. I don't understand the lack of information from these doctors. They treat this as so routine when this situation hardly ever happens to such a small infant. I have contacted a few hospitals in different states ( via email) and I hope to hear something tomorrow. The Urologist at Childrens moved our appointment up to next month so I want as much info on this as possible before we see him. Let me know if anyone has any ideas! There is an answer I just have to find it!!