Nathan Paul

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I am happy to say that Nathan is doing WONDERFUL!!!! He is eating 4 1/2 to 5 ounces every three hours. He looks to be gaining weight. We went to his cardio last Monday and he weighed 9pounds 11ounces. Dr. Brumund is lowering his meds and we will see him next month and he says he will try to have Nate off all meds!! I never thought I'd see that this soon! He is only on the diuretic and Zantac once a day now! It is like he is a totally different child since we've been home. He smiles all the time and even giggles and laughs out loud! He is rolling over a lot more and scoots on his back to get to where he wants to go. This pic is the only time so far that he has held his own bottle for the entire feed but he will try now and then to hold on to it. It is amazing how fast he recovered and how good he seems to feel now. We are so very thankful!! Miracles do happen and God is AWESOME! Again we are so very thankful for all of you. Thank you for all the prayers and support you have given us. Nate still has a few battles ahead( stones and such) but for the first time since he has been born I really feel peace in my heart that he is going to be okay. That is a good feeling!!!


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