Nathan Paul

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We are home!

We got home yesterday afternoon! Nathan's echo looked great and he is doing good so we were discharged!! There still isn't any good answers for the stones and we will just have to keep trying to get info on our own. The urologist at Children's said he would just monitor them every six months to see if they are moving which I'm not very happy about. I think someone needs to keep a closer watch on them. So...once again I am going to start contacting hospitals around the US until I find someone who can give me some info!! I will start with Houston and Alabama and go from there. There has to be an answer, I just have to find it!! We will go to the cardiologist Friday to follow up and see if he is gaining any weight! He is up to 3 ounces every three hours which is more than he has ever taken. I will keep everyone informed! I also will be posting some pics this afternoon from right after surgery to now. Thanks Guys!!!


Blogger Brandy Schaaf said...

I am so glad you are home!
Remind me saturday I have a few things for you including a cd with your wedding pics on it b/c I will most likely forget about it.

6:00 AM  

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