Nathan Paul

Thursday, July 06, 2006


In one week we will be going to the hospital. Time is going by too fast. On the other hand I kind of just want it to hurry up and get here. It is torture to sit and wait for this to happen. Nathan has been doing fairly well. He has pain at times but it comes and goes. We have been feeding him almost round the clock...every time he is awake we try to get him to eat. It would be nice if he could gain a little weight before the surgery but it doesn't look to us that he will. We go to the cardiologist on Monday so we will get a weight on him then. Austin is in Florida with my parents this week. He needs a little vacation! I hear he is having a great time with Grammy and Grandpa! I will let everyone know what the cardiologist says on Monday. Please say a prayer that he has gained some weight!!!


Blogger Brandy Schaaf said...

Cute picture!

The ped told me to put olive oil in her milk today. YUCK! I put it through her tube. Wouldn't that be gross to drink????
I hope he gains a bit more before next week.

11:31 AM  

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