Nathan Paul

Monday, July 24, 2006

I don't want to speak too soon, but it looks like we may be home before the end of the week! They did the echo today and Dr. Pettitt said it looks great. He says the ASD is closed and the heart is funtioning well.
I just talked to the uroloigist and he says they don't want to do anything about the kidney stones. He says he wants us to come back in six months to follow up. I'm not sure I'm confrontable with this. I may have to try to find a second opinion. The only thing that really concerns me is that Nathan is in pain. Either from the kidney stones or the gall stones and no one seems to offer any relief for him. This doctor also stated that these stones were probaly formed by the Lasix. The thing is, no one seems to know for sure. I am more concerned about why these stones have formed. The Kidney stones could be caused by lasix but I'm told the gall stones are not. I do not believe I will the answers I am searching for when we leave but I will just continue to research on my own. If anyone can find any doctor or nurse who has heard of this please contact me!!!

The good news is we should be going home either tomorrow or Wednesday! His heart operation was a sucess and the docs say this should be his last heart surgery! Hopefully our little guy will begin to gain weight now!


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