Nathan Paul

Saturday, February 04, 2006

  • Just to catch everyone up on what our little angel has been through and progress he has made I will try to summarize the past month as best as I can. Nathan Paul was born on Wednesday January 11th 2006 at Womans Hospital. He weighed 6lbs 6oz and was 19 inches long. Thursday January 12th he was diagnosed with Coarctation of the Aorta (COA) and transported to Childrens Hospital in New Orleans. He spent five days in NICU before undergoing surgery to fix COA. Surgery went well. They were able to go in to heart from his side which avoided having to open his chest. From there he went to PICU unit for recovery. At this time he is off the vent and most medications. He also has a ASD which is a rather large hole in the upper part of his heart which may warrant another surgery to correct. They are not wanting to correct ASD at this time but will have to monitor closely. They have began feeding him through a tube and he is tollerating feedings well. His respirtory rate is still higher than it should be and we are waiting to hear what will happen next. There is a possibility that we may be transferred back to Womans Hospital in Baton Rouge sometime soon but we are not sure how soon. He would still be in the NICU there and would be in complete isolation and would still not be allowed any visitation other than parents and grandparents. As much as I know everyone would like to see him they cannot allow ANY risk of infection as he is still in a delicate state. We would like to say how thankful we are for everyones thoughts and prayers. This has not been easy on any of us but Nathan is a fighter and God is proctecting him. Please keep him in your prayers and I will update this site as often as I can. Hopefully I can get more pictures up soon! Thanks to all.................Julie and Sal


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