Nathan Paul

Monday, February 13, 2006

Surgery Date

Nathan is now scheduled to have his feeding tube put into his stomach on Wednesday. They are also going to band his esophagus with a Nissen to prevent refux. He will get all feedings from tube in stomach for next few months. This will allow him to get the calories he needs to help him grow. Eventually we will be able to attempt to bottle feed but his respiatory rate will have to come down first as it is still way too high. He will be re-intabated for surgery and will stay on vent for at least two days after. He will also be sedated for a few days while his body recovers. He looks so good today and he is SO alert it is hard to cope with the idea of another surgery and recovery. I know this will be nothing compared to what he has already been through and I know it has to be done but it is still another surgery on someone so little. However it will bring us one step closer to coming home! They say it may be about two to three more weeks...we will see.
Please keep Nathan in your prayers for a safe surgery and fast recovery. I will try to update on Wednesday as I will be in NICU holding my angel all day tomorrow since I will not be allowed to hold him for a few days!!!!


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