Nathan Paul

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Nathan got his breathing tube out today!! He is off all sedation medicine and is doing very well. They plan to start feeding him either tomorrow or Saturday. His incision is healing fine. He hasn't been awake much yet. We are not really able to touch him much, he is uncomfortable when he is awake so we try to keep him asleep! His respiratory rate is a little lower than it has been but it is still higher than the docs want it. He really looks good. Maybe soon I can post a recent picture but I will have to learn how to do it first!!!!!! I will try soon!


Blogger Unknown said...

That is AWESOME!!!!
I am sure you are so excited!
Keep up the good recovery.

And listen little mister you better fix your heart rate really soon, or else...... hee hee

7:49 AM  

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