Hello to all! We are still here and Nathan is doing okay. The past few days have been eventful and exhausting. Monday evening Nathan began having trouble breathing....Even with the vent. Yesterday morning his x-ray showed fluid build up around the outside of his left lung. They inserted a small tube called a pigtail into his side to drain the fluid. They drained 80cc of fluid off that one lung. They were still weening the vent and had plans to extabate. However, Nathan was VERY fussy most of the day and he keeps retracting so bad even over the vent that his docs decided to wait another day. They gave him pain meds last night to help him rest. They plan start the process over again today and he may be extabated by this afternoon...then again maybe not!!!! We will just have to wait and see what our little man does!
OMG!!! 80 cc's???
That is crazy!
I will pray that he is able to get off of the vent soon.
Please call me if you want to talk.
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