Nathan Paul

Monday, February 27, 2006

Moving up!

We are moving up to the sixth floor this morning!! We will be able to stay in the room with Nathan all the time now. He had a really good weekend. He has been alert and very comfy. He has done nothing but smile all morning. I think he has finally made up his mind to get better and GO HOME!!!! He has gained weight and is up to 6lbs 8oz. I don't know how long until they discharge him but as long as he keeps getting better and we can stay with him we feel better! Hopefully by next week we will be at our house and have both of our boys under the same roof! I know Austin misses his house and his baby brother! There is finally a bright light at the end of this LONG tunnel.

Thanks to everyone for being so wonderful and supportive to us. We couldn't have held up without the love from our family and friends. Ya'll have been wonderful! We just keep praying each day that Nathan continues to keep getting stronger!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so happy that your beautiful boy is doing better. All of you are in our prayers. Dawn B and Tina L.

8:37 AM  

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