Nathan Paul

Friday, February 24, 2006

We are scheduled to move to a room on Monday!!!!! They actually would have moved us this afternoon but I HAVE to go home to see Austin in the morning so we all decided to wait until Monday to make the move. I have missed too many of Austin's basketball games and he has made it clear I can't miss this one!!!
Nathan is still doing well with his feeds and seems pretty comfrontable. He even smiled a little today. Right now they say he weighs 6lbs 2oz. They want to be sure he is beginning to gain before we leave here. After we move to the peds floor they say we should be able to go home in about a week. Lets hope so!


Blogger Unknown said...

There is really an end in sight.
I was beginning to think that Nathan was trying to beat Drew's record on hospital stay. LOL
I am so happy for all of you.

7:33 AM  

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