Nathan Paul

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Nathan has been doing really well this past week. We took him to the cardiologist on Monday. He has gained weight and now weighs 7lbs 7oz! They did an echo and the Coarc looks good. The battle he has to fight is with the ASD (hole in heart). There is too much blood flow through the hole which is causing the bottom right side of his heart to swell or "balloon out". His doctor added a new med and changed some scheduling times of the other meds. He wants to begin bottle feeding soon!! He seems to think it won't be long until we can attempt to give him a bottle. We will keep our fingers crossed on that one.

We know how anxious everyone is to see Nathan but we must ask everyone for patience. He still is unable to have any visitors for at least another 3 or 4 weeks. He has been through so much and we cannot risk ANY infection. We will let everyone know as soon as we can have company. Beleive me, I would love to see everyone as well. Being that Nathan is in isolation I am too! We truly appreiciate everyone's concern and all the prayers and support and we can't wait to have people come see and play with our little man but we have to wait until the time is right for him!

Now that we are home I will probaly only update once or twice a week. I will post some more recent pics in the next few days !! THANKS TO ALL! Everyone's prayers are working!


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