Nathan Paul

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

We Finally spent the entire night with Nathan. He must have been happy we were with him because he stayed up most of the night!!!!! I believe he has his days and nights mixed up!!!!! He was up from about midnight until around 4:00am. He didn't really fuss, unless the pacifier flew out of his mouth, he just layed around wanting to play! We didn't sleep much but it is a good feeling to be able to take care of him by ourselves
His is now being fed 50cc every three hours during the day and he is on continuous feeds over night. We are learning to use pump for his feeds and they will begin going over his meds today. After all the "stalling" he has done the past 7 weeks he is sailing now! Hopefully he will continue to sail through!!!!

Brandy we are in the same room Drew was in!!! She must be sending all her good left over recovery vibes!! Tell her they are working!!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

NO WAY!!!!
That is funny. :)
I am so happy you are all together.
Learn those pumps and meds really quick that way they will let you go home sooner.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure recovery will come quickly for Nathan now that he is home.All your neighbors on Joe May are rooting for you two youngons and wish the very best.

12:31 PM  

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