Nathan Paul

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Hello Everyone! Nathan is still doing really well! He went to the doctor last week and weighed 7lbs 4oz. He had lost a couple of ounces from the previous week but that was to be expected due to the change in his meds. Hopefully he will begin to gain now. He is having a little trouble with tollerating his feeds. We are trying to increase the volume of feeds but he just doesn't seem to be able to handle it right now. It is just going to be a slow process but we have to go at his pace!
We are going to have them change out the feeding tube button on March 27th. Right now he has what is called a Bard button and he keeps pulling it out. Everynight I wake up and find that he has pulled his tube out and formula is leaking all over his bed!!! They will put in a "mickey button" which has a locking device so he won't be able to pull it out. It is a simple procedure and will be done at OLOL in Baton Rouge.
I will update after our next doctor visit later this week!


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5:09 AM  

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